Repair Your Welding Gloves Without Sacrificing Safety

We all have been in a situation where you need to repair your welding glove on the spot. You may reach for a roll of tape or you may have even thrown away your $15 dollar pair of gloves. There is no need to expose yourself to burn risk or to use a new pair of gloves.


The Weldas® Glove Medic™ was created to provide extra life to your welding gloves in the safest way possible.

They work in two easy steps, apply the finger patch, pull the tabs to expose the adhesive, and you are safely welding again. 

how to repair welding gloves
Fix your welding gloves

We designed this product with safety in mind but also, reinforcement. They are made of real leather and can withstand extreme welding heat and spatter. 

Fixed Welding Glove

Whether you are a professional working in adverse conditions, or a hobbyist looking to get the most out of their glove,  The Weldas® Glove Medic™ is the perfect solution.

Walker Robinson